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Joint M.Sc. in Software: Science and Technology

The IMT School contributes to the teaching offer of the M.Sc. program in Software: Science and Technology (Laurea Magistrale) of the University of Florence.


The M.Sc. Degree trains experts for the design, implementation, validation, and maintenance of highly complex software systems with high quality in terms of such requirements as performance, security, and reliability. The M.Sc. provides solid knowledge and skills for developing IT solutions, emphasizing the practical application of theories and methodologies through projects and real-world case studies.

Graduates will have the computer science and engineering knowledge necessary to apply a rigorous methodological approach to software development. Some application domains of interest are critical systems and infrastructures, internet-of-things, systems-of-systems, cloud, microservices, blockchain, and resilient systems.

Most of the courses include laboratory activities and require the implementation of projects to put the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice. In particular, with the involvement of companies of various sizes, intensive courses in the form of bootcamp will be organized.


The professional figure of the M.Sc. is the Software Systems Designer, who is able to:

  • design, implement, integrate, test, and maintain software components and systems that meet functional and non-functional requirements;
  • define quality policies (in terms of performance, correctness, reliability, resilience, etc.) and verify, validate, and certify compliance with them by the developed system;
  • understand and apply the methodologies for the analysis, verification, validation, and certification of critical software-intensive systems;
  • manage software projects, from their conception to final delivery, ensuring compliance with established quality policies;
  • apply a secure-by-design development methodological approach through the use of IT security techniques and practices;
  • designing sustainable computer applications and systems;
  • use and configure modern computer networks.

Graduates will possess the skills required by public/private, national/international companies and organizations operating in the IT sector or in the development of complex software systems. The training of master's graduates is also aimed at their inclusion, after further periods of education (PhD) or training, in scientific and technological research activities at an advanced level. 

The M.Sc. is entirely delivered in English.

All detailed information about the admission requirements and the full list of courses are available on the University of Florence website and on the offical website.