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Memory pitfalls and personality disorders: forensic implications

28 November 2022
4:00 pm
San Ponziano Complex - Conference Room

A fundamental component of the penal process is the testimony by a witness as well as the recall of the facts by a victim. Several factors may affect both the witness and the victim’s testimony, often making them unreliable to a great extent. In the first place, one must keep in mind that memory processes are far from being objective recordings of a given event. On the opposite, memnoic processes entail a continuous reshaping of the content of the event. any step fo the memory process, encoding, storage in memory and recollection, is subjected to external influences and deteriorates with elapsing time. In my lecture I will focus on the main aspects that affect memory in relation to forensic context, in particular on how personality traits and personality disorders may alter the objective perception and memory of a given event. Examples from real life situations will be discussed.


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Giuseppe Sartori, University of Padua