I'm a PhD candidate at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) in Economics, Networks and Business Analitycs (ENBA). I work for the research unit NETWORKS, directed by Prof. Diego Garlaschelli, who also leads the Econophysics Group at Leiden University (The Netherlands).
Since November 2022, I'm a visiting PhD student at Leiden University. Here, I collaborate with Prof. Peter Grünwald, full professor of Statistical learning at the mathematical institute of Leiden University and head of the Machine Learning group at CWI, Amsterdam.
My background, which I aquired at Sapienza University of Rome, is in Statistical Physics. My main research interests lie in the development and application of a statistical physics approach to the study of complex networks. I'm currently working on the problem of selecting network models by applying information theoretical criteria based on the Minimum Description Length principle (MDL). This project involves methods from Statistical Physics, Information Theory and Statistical Inference.