Bittersweet, Ancient and Modern (BAM!): Mixed Affect in Emotional Experience from Plato to Brain Imaging

2 Research Collaborator positions
(Deadline September 21st, 2024 13:00 )


emotion, affect, neuroimaging, mixed feelings



The ideal candidate holds a Master's degree in Psychology, Medicine, Cognitive Sciences, or Neurosciences, or - preferably - a PhD in Psychology, Medicine, Cognitive Sciences, or Neurosciences. In any case, they must have at least 3 years of proven research experience in the aforementioned disciplines. During their research career, they must have delved into the topics of emotions or empathy, studying them both through behavioral investigations and techniques for exploring brain activity in vivo, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), or neurostimulation. The ideal candidate must have an excellent knowledge of the scientific literature on emotions, be able to conduct behavioral and neuroimaging experiments independently, analyze data, organize presentations, and write reports and scientific articles on the activities carried out. Specifically, regarding the implementation of experiments, experience with software for creating and administering stimuli via websites (e.g., JsPsych, Gorilla, Qualtrics) and in laboratory studies (e.g., Psychtoolbox, PsychoPy, EPrime) is positively evaluated. Regarding data analysis, the ideal candidate has experience with traditional statistical (e.g., General Linear Model, T-test, Factorial Analysis) and with machine learning tools (e.g., Support Vector Machine/Regression, Random Forest Classifier/Regression). They are also capable of pre-processing fMRI or EEG data and analyzing them using univariate (e.g., mass-univariate GLM) and multivariate (e.g., MVPA Decoding) techniques. As for programming skills, experience with MATLAB and Python languages is positively evaluated. Finally, concerning article writing and presentation skills, the ideal candidate has already published in peer-reviewed journals related to the themes of the call and has presented their research at national or international conferences.



The recruited people will carry out their research activity within the Social and Affective Neuroscience group, specifically within the PRIN2022 project titled 'Bittersweet, Ancient and Modern (BAM!): Mixed Affect in Emotional Experience from Plato to Brain Imaging,' an interdisciplinary collaboration between experts in the study of emotions with psychological/neuroscientific and philosophical backgrounds. Specifically, the recruited person will participate in the design and implementation of behavioral and neuroimaging experiments aimed at studying mixed feelings. These studies will employ innovative approaches in the study of emotions, such as the use of continuous naturalistic stimuli and real-time recording of subjective experience (e.g., Lettieri et al., 2019 - Nature Communications; Lettieri et al., 2024 - Science Advances).

Formal requirements


  • Master's degree in Psychology, Medicine, Cognitive Sciences, or Neurosciences; 
  • at least 3 years of proven experience in the aforementioned disciplines;
  • Good knowledge of English language, both written and spoken


Specific requirements


  • PhD (preferable, not compulsory) in Psychology, Medicine, Cognitive Sciences, or Neurosciences, or at least 3 years of proven experience in the aforementioned disciplines;
  • Excellent knowledge of the scientific literature on emotions, software for creating and administering stimuli online/in the laboratory, analysis of behavioral and neuroimaging data, and programming languages MATLAB/Python;
  • Publications and talks at conferences on the themes of the call.
Gross amount

€ 22.700,00 per year each single position


1 year


PSIC-01/A - General Psychology


PRIN 2022 L_CECCHETTI 2022CS3XR3 PNRR M4C2 I.1.1 Titolo progetto: Bittersweet, Ancient and Modern: Mixed Affect in Emotional Experience from Plato to Brain Imaging” (codice UGOV: P0303; Codice MUR: 2022CS3XR3; CUP: D53D23009610001) finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU M4C2 investimento 1.1.

Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Assegno di ricerca
Full call


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Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • Number of your Identity Document (Passport or Identity Card) (compulsory)
  • University degree and ongoing PhD (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)