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Central Guarantee Committee

The Central Guarantee Committee, focused on ensuring the wellbeing of workers, eliminating discrimination and providing equal opportunities in the workplace, was established pursuant to Article 57 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, as amended by Article 21 of Law no. 183/2010 and in accordance with Article 23 of the School Statute.

The Committee has a joint composition and consists of a member designated by each of the representative trade union organizations, according to the law, and by an equal number of School representatives, as well as by as many alternates, selected from the teaching staff, researchers and the administrative technical staff, in order to ensure an overall equal presence of both genders.

The Committee replaces the equal opportunities and the anti-bullying committees, of which it assumes all the functions entrusted by the law and by collective agreements.

The Central Guarantee Committee, among its various recognized competences:

  • proposes actions aimed at promoting work well-being through investigations useful to know, prevent and contrast any form of discrimination and/or moral, psychic or physical violence;
  • proposes the dissemination of knowledge and experiences, as well as other documentary, technical and statistical information, on equal opportunities problems and possible solutions;
  • expresses opinions on staff training plans;
  • verifies the results of positive actions, projects and good practices in the field of equal opportunities, organizational well-being and prevention of work problems within the School;
  • verifies the absence of any form of discrimination in professional training, career advancement and safety at work.

Current members

Linda Bertelli (President) - Professor and vice-rector for gender policies, equal opportunity and communication 
Antonella Barbuti - Permanent staff
Andrea Ceravolo - Permanent staff
Anna Smaniotto - Permanent staff

Alternate members

Luca Cecchetti - Professor

Elisa Giovannetti - Permanent staff

Luisa Lo Duca - Permanent staff

Giovanna Tello - Permanent staff

Appointment Decree


Alias Careers


Presentation of the book Per soli uomini. Il maschilismo dei dati, dalla ricerca scientifica al design

The IMT School adheres to the National Portal of the Single Guarantee Committees for the prevention and contrast of forms of violence and discrimination in the workplace

Domestic violence and isolation from Coronavirus, the IMT School supports the national campaign Libera puoi

International day of women and girls in science – Ragazze con i numeri

Agreement with the ASL Toscana nord ovest for free psychological support to the IMT School students

Staff report

2019 report 

Gender Equality Plan

2020-2021 report

Meeting minutes

February 14, 2020 | minutes

May 20, 2019 | minutes

December 20, 2018 | minutes