Development of systems for the enhancement of cognitive performance and social and physical wellbeing

1 Research Project Fellow position
(Deadline February 25th, 2025 13:00 )
IMT Lucca invites applications for a Research Collaborator in cognitive neurosciences and advanced bio-signal processing methods. IMT Lucca is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic Research Collaborator to join the activities and research interests of the MoMiLab research group. 
The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting experimental studies and analyzing data using advanced processing analyses, for correlating biomarkers with behavioral outcomes. The candidate must have a cross-disciplinary expertise with a strong methodological background on central and peripheral bio-signal processing and analysis. The ideal candidates should have a considerable expertise in the simultaneous recording using wearable devices, pre-processing and advanced analysis of multiple physiological signals including electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG), electromiography (EMG), photplethismography (PPG), electrocardiography (ECG) and galvanic skin response (GSR). 
It is also desirable to have good programming skills and previous experience in the development of automatic software for the real-time analysis of physiological data and a good knowledge of the Matlab environment and/or other programming languages. Possession of research experience and/or scientific production in the psychophysiological field or related to the field of efficiency and mental fatigue constitutes a preferential requirement.
Participation in the research activities of the research projects related to the investigation of the electrophysiological correlates of mental fatigue and the definition of a set of central and peripheral biomarker able to objectively predict both future cognitive and physical performance of the subject. The candidate will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team and will be involved in all the phases of the projects, from the definition of experimental protocols and data acquisition to the advanced signal processing and results analysis and dissemination.
Formal requirements
  • Master Degree in Biomedical or Mathematical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, or other fields related to the topic of the research.
Specific requirements
  • a good knowledge of written and spoken english;
  • the candidate must have a professional background to work in a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary team while possessing the independence to fulfill the responsibilities of a senior consultant; 
  • the candidate should demonstrate a research experience of a minimum of 1 year;
  • the candidate should possess the scientific experience and confidence to apply a translational approach of applied neuroscience research to a commercial context;
  • an engineering degree, Ph.D. and statistical skills will be considered a plus.
1 year
Gross amount
€ 16.243,00
“Sviluppo di soluzioni ed algoritmi dedicati per la valutazione della stanchezza sul lavoro e in ambito di collaudo di sistemi ADAS per l’automotive – FDM4SAFETY (Fatigue Detection and Monitoring 4 Safety)”, Regione Toscana - PR FESR TOSCANA 2021 - 2027, AZIONE 1.1.4, BANDO N.2, cod. UGOV P0374, CUP D67H24003340009

Applications must be submit through PICA website only using the link at the bottom of this page.
Please note that for the submission of applications on PICA website, login via SPID IS NOT AVAILABLE at the moment - Please register using the alternative methods.


Si segnala che per la presentazione delle candidature sul sito PICA al momento NON E' DISPONIBILE il login tramite SPID - Si prega di effettuare la registrazione secondo le modalità alternative.

Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Borsa a progetto - Project fellowship


Apply ONLINE only.

Before filling in the application form, please read thoroughly the full call and collect all the files you may need:


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory);
  • University degree (compulsory);
  • PhD (compulsory only if stated in the full call).


  • The scanned copy of a valid identity document (Passport or Identity Card - compulsory);
  • Your CV (compulsory).