n. 4 borse di ricerca post-lauream nell'ambito del Programma Regionale Toscana Fondo Sociale Europeo plus 2021/2027


n. 4 research project grant under the Tuscany Regional Program European Social Fund plus 2021/2027 

The Research project grant under this call are funded from the European Social Fund 2021-2027 (ESF+) and are part of Giovanisì (www.giovanisi.it), the Tuscany Region's project for youth autonomy.



4 Research Project Fellow positions
(Deadline February 17th, 2025 13:00 )

A comparative evaluation procedure by titles and interview is hereby announced for the award of 4 (four) research project grants, each of 24 months duration and total amount of € 48,000.00, respectively from the titles:

  1. “Archivi sconosciuti di storia dell’emigrazione. Studio, digitalizzazione, schedatura informatizzata, valorizzazione” (Project ARCHEMIG - P0366, cup: D63C24000590005);
  2. “Carriere Femminili tra Arte e Artigianato: Ricostruzione Storica e Mappatura Contemporanea nella Provincia di Lucca”, (Project ARTEMIS - P0368, cup: D63C24000640005);
  3. “Catalogazione delle collezioni del Museo della Carta di Pietrabuona (Pescia, Pistoia)” (Project MUDECA - P0369, cup: D63C24000610005);
  4. “Catalogazione della Collezione Ansaldi presso il Museo Civico di Pescia (Pistoia)” (Project OPIN - P0367, cup: D63C24000620007).
The requirements for admission, description of the profiles sought and the research activities covered by the respective research grants are better specified in Annexes 1 to 4 of the announcement.

24 months

Gross amount

€ 48.000,00 (€ 2.000,00 per month)



1. “Archivi sconosciuti di storia dell’emigrazione. Studio, digitalizzazione, schedatura informatizzata, valorizzazione” (Project ARCHEMIG - P0366, cup: D63C24000590005)
The selected candidate will receive a research grant as part of the ARCHEMIG project titled "AARCHEMIG "Archivi sconosciuti di storia dell’emigrazione. Studio, digitalizzazione, schedatura informatizzata, valorizzazione".  This project is funded by the "Bando Ricerca anno 2024" of the Tuscany European Social Fund Plus Regional Programme 2021/2027 (PR RT ESF+ 2021/2027).
The scholarship holder will specifically contribute to the following:

  • The study of materials in various archives, both family and non-family, maintained by the Paolo Cresci Foundation for the History of Italian Emigration.
  • The digitization of these materials.
  • The research will be conducted within the LYNX Research Unit, which focuses on the interdisciplinary analysis of images, contexts, and cultural heritage.

In this role, the fellow will be expected to demonstrate a strong understanding of the history of Italian emigration as well as the social policies related to migration phenomena.


2. “Carriere Femminili tra Arte e Artigianato: Ricostruzione Storica e Mappatura Contemporanea nella Provincia di Lucca”, (Project ARTEMIS - P0368, cup: D63C24000640005)
The candidate will be selected as Research Collaborator within the framework of the ARTEMIS project (ART and Crafts: Historical and Contemporary Investigation) – Women’s Careers between Art and Craft: Historical Reconstruction and Contemporary Mapping in the Province of Lucca, funded through the “2024 Research Call” of the Tuscany Regional Program European Social Fund Plus 2021/2027 (PR RT FSE+ 2021/2027).Specifically, the selected candidate will contribute to:

  • historically reconstructing women’s careers in the field of artistic craft in Versilia and the Piana di Lucca;
  • analyzing the current state of the territory, interacting with productive entities and artist archives;
  • exploring the specific case of the Fiore de Henriquez Archive.
The research will take place within the LYNX Center for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images, Contexts, and Cultural Heritage. In this context, the selected candidate must demonstrate:excellent knowledge and proven experience in the fields of art history and the management and analysis of cultural heritage, with particular reference to artist archives, as well as the archiving and cataloging of artistic and photographic materials;an in-depth understanding of contemporary art and photography theory and history, with a focus on gender studies.Furthermore, an excellent command of English, both written and spoken, is required, as these skills are essential for successfully engaging in the analysis of the specific case and the activities outlined in the project.


3. “Catalogazione delle collezioni del Museo della Carta di Pietrabuona (Pescia, Pistoia)” (Project MUDECA - P0369, cup: D63C24000610005)
The appointed candidate must possess expertise in the field of collecting and museums, with particular reference to collections of artisanal and industrial significance. Appointed candidate must demonstrate proficiency in cultural heritage cataloguing systems and principal databases, as well as an up-to-date understanding of the administrative and managerial frameworks that govern relationships between public administrations and private cultural institutions. A strong inclination toward historical and archival research is required.


4. “Catalogazione della Collezione Ansaldi presso il Museo Civico di Pescia (Pistoia)” (Project OPIN - P0367, cup: D63C24000620007)
The appointed candidate is expected to demonstrate a solid foundation in the field of Italian art, together with its European connections, spanning from the latter half of the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century. Expertise in the history of painting and sculpture from this period, as well as in the history of private collecting and museums, is particularly required. Additionally, the candidate must exhibit knowledge of cultural heritage cataloguing systems and major databases. A pronounced aptitude for historical and archival research is mandatory.

1. “Archivi sconosciuti di storia dell’emigrazione. Studio, digitalizzazione, schedatura informatizzata, valorizzazione” (Project ARCHEMIG - P0366, cup: D63C24000590005)

  • Study of the context of Tuscan emigration between the 19th and 20th centuries through the materials preserved in the Paolo Cresci Archives
  • Management and valorisation of the Paolo Cresci Archives: study, inventory and detailed cataloguing of the archival series
  • Qualitative research: conducting interviews
  • Dissemination and participation in academic and cultural events: Participation and/or organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops on emigration from Tuscany and Lucca; production of articles and reports on the history of emigration
  • Design of accessibility and dissemination strategies: development of solutions to make the research results accessible and networked.
2. “Carriere Femminili tra Arte e Artigianato: Ricostruzione Storica e Mappatura Contemporanea nella Provincia di Lucca”, (Project ARTEMIS - P0368, cup: D63C24000640005)
  • Study of the Tuscan Female Craft Context: Collaboration with Confindustria and equivalent associations to analyze the craft landscape.
  • Mapping of Craft Activities: Identification and analysis of activities in the Versilia and Piana di Lucca areas.
  • Creation of Databases: 
  • A database dedicated to information on local female crafts.
  • Database of archival series from the Fiore de Henriquez Archive.
  • Qualitative Investigations: Conducting in-depth interviews, focus groups, and targeted meetings with experts and industry professionals.
  • Analysis of Sectoral and Gender Issues: Identifying key challenges through studies and producing thematic reports.
  • Management and Valorization of the Fiore de Henriquez Archive: Study, inventory, and detailed cataloging of the archival series.
  • Dissemination and Participation in Academic and Cultural Events: Participation in and/or organization of conferences, seminars, and workshops related to national and Tuscan female crafts, as well as the artistic activities of Fiore de Henriquez.
  • Publishing Activities: Production of articles and reports in the fields of labor history and theory, gender studies, art history, and photographic heritage.
  • Designing Accessibility and Dissemination Strategies: Development of solutions to make the research findings accessible and interconnected online.
3. “Catalogazione delle collezioni del Museo della Carta di Pietrabuona (Pescia, Pistoia)” (Project MUDECA - P0369, cup: D63C24000610005)

The appointed candidate will be committed to the cataloguing of the collections of the Museo della Carta in Pietrabuona (Pescia, Pistoia), with particular focus on watermarked molds, punches, and watermarking screens, on the basis of the documents preserved in the Archivio Storico Magnani. The findings from this research will contribute to the preparation of new scientific entries for the Museo della Carta di Pescia’s catalogue and may also inform the future display of the collections in the dedicated section of Le Carte paper mill. In the course of his/her work, the appointed candidate may also participate in the scientific, educational, and outreach activities promoted by the museum.

4. “Catalogazione della Collezione Ansaldi presso il Museo Civico di Pescia (Pistoia)” (Project OPIN - P0367, cup: D63C24000620007)

The appointed candidate will undertake the cataloguing of the Ansaldi collection preserved at the Musei Civici of Pescia. Following an initial comparison of historical and more recent inventories with the current state of the collection, the appointed candidate will proceed with the scientific cataloguing of the collection’s core, beginning with the paintings and sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries. This work will involve verifying attributions and tracing the provenance of individual pieces, culminating in the preparation of detailed catalogue entries. In the course of this work, the appointed candidate may be involved in the scientific, educational, and outreach activities  promoted by the Musei Civici. 
Formal requirements

Eligibility requirements must be met by the date of submission of the application for this call for applications, under penalty of exclusion.


1. “Archivi sconosciuti di storia dell’emigrazione. Studio, digitalizzazione, schedatura informatizzata, valorizzazione” (Project ARCHEMIG - P0366, cup: D63C24000590005)

  •  hold a master's degree in Contemporary History;
  • be under 36 years of age on the date of submission of the application for this call for applications.
Possession of established and solid experience regarding archival research on materials related to the history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be considered a preferential requirement.


2. “Carriere Femminili tra Arte e Artigianato: Ricostruzione Storica e Mappatura Contemporanea nella Provincia di Lucca”, (Project ARTEMIS - P0368, cup: D63C24000640005)
  • hold a master's degree in History of Contemporary Art (with specialization in History of Photography); Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage or areas related to the themes of this call for applications; History of Photography;
  • not having reached the age of 36 on the date of submission of the application for this call for applications;
  • excellent knowledge of the English language, both spoken and written;
  • ability to work in an interdisciplinary and design context.
The following will be considered preferential requirements: Academic experience in the history of art and photography; Prior experience in the management and enhancement of cultural heritage (in public and/or private institutions, museums, foundations, galleries); Prior experience in the census and cataloguing of historical-artistic material; Academic experience in gender studies and women's careers.


3. “Catalogazione delle collezioni del Museo della Carta di Pietrabuona (Pescia, Pistoia)” (Project MUDECA - P0369, cup: D63C24000610005)
  • hold a master's degree in the humanities, particularly in the area of Cultural Heritage Studies (Art History and related);
  • not have reached the age of 36 on the date of submission of the application for this call for applications;
  • excellent knowledge of Italian and English, both spoken and written.


4. “Catalogazione della Collezione Ansaldi presso il Museo Civico di Pescia (Pistoia)” (Project OPIN - P0367, cup: D63C24000620007)

  • hold a master's degree or an old-school degree in Art History or Cultural Heritage;
  • not have reached the age of 36 on the date of submission of the application for this call for applications;
  • excellent knowledge of Italian and English, both spoken and written.
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Borsa a progetto - Project fellowship
Calendar update


ATTENZIONE - Rettifica calendario colloqui

I colloqui si terranno nei giorni 28/02 e 03/03. Per i dettagli dei colloqui e delle modalità di partecipazione si veda il relativo file pdf caricato.
La lista dei candidati ammessi ai colloqui sarà pubblicata all’Albo Online e sul sito web della Scuola entro il 24 febbraio 2025.


Candidates admitted to interview


Candidati ammessi a colloquio

Per la lista completa si veda il file pdf caricato
