Cognitive neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience and the Law

1 Visiting Professor position
(Deadline January 20th, 2023 13:00 )
IMT Lucca invites applications for a Visiting Professor in NeuroPsychology, Forensic Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Candidates should have an outstanding research profile,  extensive academic experience, as well as experience in the field of the forensic applications of cognitive neuroscience. 
The position involves qualified research activities in the topics of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology with the CCSN PhD Students and MOMILAB fellows; the Visiting Professor  will also be involved in teaching activities, such as masterclasses, seminars, tutorials etc.
8 months
Gross amount
4.200,00 €
Formal requirements
  • a PhD;
  • the candidate must be an University professor in related topics of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience or similar;
  • excellent knowledge of both spoken and written English is required.
Specific requirements
  • the candidate must have a curriculum indicating a high level scientific background and experience in carrying out research and teaching activities in cognitive neuropsychology, with particualr reference to forensic neuropsychology and its applications in the legal context;
  • the candidate must also have an excellent record of high-impact publications in cognitive neuropsychology, with particular reference to forensic psychology, the assessment of imputability and the relation between cognitive psychology and the law.
La domanda di ammissione deve essere compilata utilizzando il form di domanda allegato al presente bando ed inoltrata esclusivamente via mail all’indirizzo  
Non sono ammesse modalità diverse per l’invio della domanda di partecipazione.
 Alla domanda devono essere obbligatoriamente allegati, pena esclusione:
  • il proprio curriculum vitae, redatto preferibilmente in lingua inglese, con particolare evidenza delle proprie esperienze professionali e attività scientifiche svolte;
  • copia carta d’Identità e/o documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità.
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Contratto di lavoro autonomo