Modeling cortical sources: from scalp to regional activity (Part II)28 febbraio 2024When performing data analysis, a crucial aspect to deal with is data dimensionality. Indeed, both...
Assessment and scoring of vigilance states (Part II)26 febbraio 2024The seminar will introduce manual sleep staging. During this session, we'll examine the...
Modeling cortical sources: from scalp to regional activity (Part I)21 febbraio 2024The study of brain activity often requires researchers to face the trade-off between having a...
University-to-Industry knowledge transfers and firms’ resilience during the Great Recession: Evidence for Spanish firms21 febbraio 2024This study examines the extent to which university-to-industry knowledge transfers influence firm...
Assessment and scoring of vigilance states (Part I)19 febbraio 2024The seminar will introduce manual sleep staging. During this session, we'll examine the...
Cosmo, astrologia e creazione nel circolo di al-Kindī: il caso del “Sui governi delle sfere celesti” di Alessandro di Afrodisia16 febbraio 2024Il seminario intende presentare la cosmologia e il tema della creazione sviluppati nel trattato...
Investment in Digital Technologies and Firms' Labor Demand 14 febbraio 2024The seminar focuses on the effects of investment in robots and other 4IR digital technologies (...
The “return of beauty”? Restituting fascist-looted cultural property in Italy, 1945-200112 febbraio 2024This paper examines the lopsided process of restitution of looted cultural property in Italy from...
The Conception of Divine Potency in the Cosmology of al-Kindī's Circle9 febbraio 2024The seminar will analyse passages from translations and adaptations produced in the circle of al-...
Different ways of loading an elastic disk, constrained on the boundary with an isoperimetric Cosserat coating9 febbraio 2024The mechanical behaviour of a solid body is chiefly influenced by the way the applied loads depend...