How the brain shapes the way we act 9 gennaio 2024Actions with identical goals can be performed with different dynamic forms, also named vitality...
Understanding and engineering the firearm ecosystem in the United States21 dicembre 2023The United States leads high-income countries in both firearm homicide and suicide rates, with...
Latest advances in TMS-EEG18 dicembre 2023The registration of the electroencephalography during the application of transcranial magnetic...
Tesoro Messicano: Making a paper-monument of Baroque Rome. 18 dicembre 2023This talk will delve into the concept of “paper-monument”, by exploring the extraordinary case of...
Understanding Motor Control from an Active Inference Perspective15 dicembre 2023The use of Bayesian techniques for studying and modeling biological systems has vastly progressed...
Why sensitivity Analysis?14 dicembre 2023Ecologist Charles Hall argued that "the real strength of the models is in their sensitivity...
Hot Versus Cold Reciprocity 13 dicembre 2023We study if reciprocity in a trust game varies depending on whether the decision is taken in a hot...
Thinking colonial heritage historically. Missionary collecting, 16th century to present4 dicembre 2023This talk approaches colonial heritage as an object of historical investigation against the...
Limited Monotonicity and the Combined Compliers LATE29 novembre 2023We consider estimating a local average treatment effect given an endogenous binary treatment and...
Meetings of random walks & consensus dynamics on sparse random digraphs.23 novembre 2023I will first discuss the general relation between meeting time of random walks and consensus time...