AXES on-line summer workshop25 luglio 2023Michael Jetter (9:00 am – 9:30 am) Peacefully Demobilizing Rebels: Identity, Emotional Cues, and...
Foundations of lifelong learning21 luglio 20234 th seminar The spectacular results of deep learning rely significantly on the elegance and...
Foundations of lifelong learning20 luglio 20233 rd seminar The spectacular results of deep learning rely significantly on the elegance and...
Causal Temporal Reasoning for Markov Decision Processes20 luglio 2023We introduce PCFTL (Probabilistic CounterFactual Temporal Logic), a new probabilistic temporal...
Imprecise Bayesian Neural Networks19 luglio 2023Uncertainty quantification and robustness to distribution shifts are important goals in machine...
Impact of paperboard deformation and damage mechanisms on packaging performance19 luglio 20235° Seminar: Research and innovation on materials & mechanics for paper, paperboard and paper...
Foundations of lifelong learning18 luglio 20232 nd seminar The spectacular results of deep learning rely significantly on the elegance and...
Solids from cohesionless matter18 luglio 2023Mechanical densification of granular matter from a loose material leads to a cohesive solid...
Foundations of lifelong learning17 luglio 20231 st seminar The spectacular results of deep learning rely significantly on the elegance and...
Social, Demographic, and Psychological Correlates of Lying Aversion5 luglio 2023How individuals report private information is a matter of substantial economic importance that has...