The Cognitive Foundations of Cooperation13 marzo 2019Why do some individuals cooperate with their fellow human beings while others take advantage of...
Crack tracking algorithms based on a viscous regularization of the quasi-static 3D fracture propagation problem11 marzo 2019The quasi-static fracture propagation problem has been extensively investigated in analogy with...
Micromorphic vs. strain and stress gradient continuum theories25 febbraio 2019Germain's general micromorphic theory of order n is extended to fully non-symmetric higher order...
Auxetics and Shape Morphing Mechanical Metamaterials 25 febbraio 2019Auxetics defines a class of materials and structures that exhibit a negative Poisson’s ratio...
Cross-Level BPaaS Matchmaking and Selection13 febbraio 2019This talk will start with a short introduction of the CloudSocket project, which dealt with the...
Productivity, (Mis)allocation and Trade13 febbraio 2019We examine the impact of international trade on aggregate productivity. We show theoretically and...
Affine scaling Interior Point methods for linear and nonlinear bound-constrained least-squares problems12 febbraio 2019Many applications, e.g. nonnegative image restoration, contact problems for mechanical systems,...
Collective organization of networked phase oscillators: explosive synchronization, dynamically interdependent networks and Bellerophon states12 febbraio 2019I will try to discuss the spontaneous emergence of some complex collective dynamics in networked...
Structured phase field models11 febbraio 2019Phase-field models have been successfully used to predict crack propagations through the...
Centralising decentralisation: Misleading incentives in blockchain-based systems6 febbraio 2019Blockchains are distributed systems that allow to store trustworthy information without the pre-...