Buyer-Optimal Platform Design14 giugno 2023A platform matches a unit-mass of sellers, each owning a single product of heterogeneous quality,...
Learning-based Model Predictive Control with closed-loop guarantees9 giugno 2023The performance of model predictive control (MPC) largely depends on the accuracy of the prediction...
Integration of numerical homogenization and finite element analysis for topological optimization of 3D printed devices7 giugno 2023Innovative materials have been developed to imitate the strong and lightweight properties found in...
The 'Flying Man' in Avicenna's Treatise 'The Easterners': A Classic of 'Western' Philosophy6 giugno 2023The thought experiment of the Flying Man, which Avicenna (d. 1037 CE) develops in several works, is...
Mathematical and computational modeling of active soft tissue electrophysiology6 giugno 2023Excitable biological tissues are intrinsically characterized by complex multiscale...
Translation and Self-Fashioning: The Letters of Bulghaith Al-Darāwi (1664-1667) 5 giugno 2023This seminar challenges the current trends in the field of global microhistory, especially the use...
Assessing Economic Models in Antitrust Courts: Model Applicability, Daubert Standard, and Judicial Decision-Making1 giugno 2023Project PRIN 2017 From Models to Decisions Economists are often called upon as expert witnesses by...
The challenges of online collections of works on paper. Two projects from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom 1 giugno 2023Introduction Silvia Massa Museums display their collections to the public as part of their core...
Minimization of dynamical systems over monoids31 maggio 2023Quantitative notions of bisimulation are well-known tools forthe minimization of dynamical models...
Unionisation31 maggio 2023Motivated by the recent wave of collective action, we explore the determinants of successful...