The Causal Effect of Job Loss on Health: The Danish Miracle?19 dicembre 2018Unemployment can affect health both through the income shock and through non-pecuniary channels...
Phd Thesis Defense - Image Analysis18 dicembre 2018Learning to Count Leaves of Plants Mario Valerio Giuffrida
Fraternita' artistica e solidarieta' umana. Ettore Modigliani soprintendente. Dal primo Novecento alle leggi razziali.18 dicembre 2018In occasione degli ottant'anni dalla firma delle leggi razziali, e in memoria di quanti ne subirono...
Phd Thesis Defense - Economics17 dicembre 2018Production Networks, Firm Productivity and Geography Loredana Fattorini
Publish or Perish. Ricerca scientifica fra integrita' e competitivita'17 dicembre 2018PROGRAMMA Pietro Pietrini - Direttore, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca Enrico Bucci - Professore...
Phd Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage14 dicembre 2018Events and temporary uses in the historic urban landscape: Lucca Comics & Games between...
Phd Thesis Defense - CDSS - Control Systems 12 dicembre 2018Proximal algorithms for structured nonconvex optimization Andreas Themelis
Phd Thesis Defense - Management Science11 dicembre 2018Worldwide diffusion of solar photovoltaic panels and the role of state incentive: perspectives...
Phd Thesis Defense - Management Science10 dicembre 2018Network Analysis of International Patent Data: Technology Cohort, Temporal Dynamics and the Role of...
Shaping Europe Together - Meeting with experts in European Institutions10 dicembre 2018The aim of the meeting is to shed light on opportunities for developing a career across Europe that...
Phd Thesis Defense - Control Systems10 dicembre 2018Mixed-integer quadratic programming algorithms for embedded control and estimation Vihangkumar...
L'analisi, la misurazione e la comunicazione dei rischi per la sicurezza dei pazienti4 dicembre 2018Laboratorio di formazione per Staff e Referenti dipartimentali Qualita' e Sicurezza, Azienda USL...
PhD Thesis Defense - CDSS2 dicembre 2018Quantitative Methods for Computer Aided Decision Support Systems in Confocal LASER Endomicroscopy...
Firms and Economic Performance: A View from Trade28 novembre 2018"Firms and Economic Performance: A View from Trade" (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia)...
Neuroscience Impact - Brain and Business27 novembre 2018Presentazione dell'Innovation Trend Report "Neuroscience Impact - Brain and Business" e dell'...
Welcome Day - Dal mondo a Lucca: la Scuola IMT accoglie i nuovi allievi19 novembre 2018La comunità della Scuola dà il benvenuto ai nuovi allievi.
A Theoretical Framework for modeling interactions in Collective-Adaptive Systems13 novembre 2018Collective adaptive systems are new emerging computational systems consisting of a large number of...
A framework for evolutionary game theory in the social sciences12 novembre 2018People are not always rational or farsighted and often make decisions according to simple...
Parental Love Is Not Blind: Identifying Selection into Early School Start7 novembre 2018In many countries parents can choose whether their children start elementary school one year early...
L'analisi, la misurazione e la comunicazione dei rischi per la sicurezza dei pazienti6 novembre 2018Laboratorio di formazione per Staff e Referenti dipartimentali Qualita' e Sicurezza, Azienda USL...
Relating Structural and Dynamical Properties of Biochemical Reaction Networks25 ottobre 2018The relation between structure and dynamics of a biological system is still an open question. We...
The Electoral Impact of Wealth Redistribution: Evidence from Land Reform in Italy24 ottobre 2018We study the political consequences of a large land reform in Italy, which transferred more than...
SoftPro Project Review Meeting21 ottobre 2018SoftPro project will study and design soft synergy-based robotics tecnologies to develop new...
Bounded Model Checking of Security Protocols17 ottobre 2018Security protocols (aka cryptographic protocols) are key to the secure functioning of distributed...
The Blind Brain Workshop11 ottobre 2018The overall purpose of The Blind Brain Workshop is to highlight how the view of the brain has...
Pairwise Interaction-Comparison Dynamics10 ottobre 2018We introduce and study a class of evolutionary game dynamics -- named Pairwise Interact-and-Imitate...
Temporary organizing and temporality: stability and change in cultural and creative industries4 ottobre 2018In this workshop, we aim to focus on temporary organizing in Cultural and Creative Industries and...
L'analisi, la misurazione e la comunicazione dei rischi per la sicurezza dei pazienti3 ottobre 2018Laboratorio di formazione per Staff e Referenti dipartimentali Qualita' e Sicurezza, Azienda USL...
Hardware and Software Security Platforms3 ottobre 2018Nowadays, more and more services and applications need to be secured in order to guarantee the...
BRIGHT 2018 - La Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori in Toscana28 settembre 2018Si rinnova l'appuntamento con "Bright", la Notte delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori in Toscana,...
The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach26 settembre 2018This paper quantifies the origins of firm size heterogeneity when firms are interconnected in a...
Autorita' Giudiziaria e Guardia di Finanza: difesa economica e tutela dell'imprenditorialita'24 settembre 2018Il sistema economico si configura sempre piu' alla stregua di un bene di natura intangibile di...
Supralinear and supramodal integration of visual and tactile signals in rats: psychophysics and neuronal mechanisms21 settembre 2018To better understand how object recognition can be triggered independently of the sensory channel...
NETEF 2018 - 7th Annual Workshop on Networks in Economics and Finance 14 settembre 2018IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is honored to host 7th annual Workshop on Networks in...
Constrained control of uncertain linear time-invariant systems: an interpolation based approach11 settembre 2018In this talk, a novel approach to control uncertain discrete-time linear time-invariant systems...
19th World Congress of Psychophysiology4 settembre 2018The International Organization of Pshychophisiology (IOP) and the IMT School for Advanced Studies...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science 31 luglio 2018IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF TUPLE SPACES Vitaly Buravlev
Mathematical models, numerical formulations and High Performance Computing applications of a mesh-less Computational Fluid Dynamics code for free-surface flows, fluid-structure interactions and granular flows20 luglio 2018High Performance Computing (HPC) represents a crucial resource for Computational Mechanics in...
Theoretical Foundations for Runtime Monitoring18 luglio 2018Runtime Verification is a lightweight technique that complements other verification methods in a...
PhD Graduation Ceremony 201811 luglio 2018Cappella Guinigi - Complesso di San Francesco ore 17.00 PROGRAM WELCOME REMARKS Marcello...
Cracking me softly - the mechanics of hyperelastic Kirigami structures9 luglio 2018Kirigami (from the Japanese kiru = to cut, kami = paper) is the ancient Japanese art of paper...
PhD Thesis Defense POLHIST9 luglio 2018Fascism and Nationalism in Cuba A Case Study on the Global Projection of an European Ideology...
Control of Inverter-Dominated Electrical Grids : A Data-Driven Approach6 luglio 2018The use of renewable energy resources and storage units is increasing in the electrical grids. Most...
Easy, hard or convex?: the role of sparsity and structure in systems theory5 luglio 2018Arguably, one of the hardest challenges faced now by the systems community stems from the...
Multi-Agent Systems with Virtual Stigmergy3 luglio 2018We introduce a simple language for multi-agent systems that lends itself to intuitive design of...
Does the Cerebellum contribute to cognitive processes?3 luglio 2018Does cerebellum contribute to cognition? Although the cerebellum has been traditionally considered...
From multi-level data to mechanistic details of biological systems in systems pharmacology and systems nutrition29 giugno 2018Modeling biological systems emerging from the observation of many different (omics) data types is a...
Making the Impossible Possible. On the Methodology for Editing Works with Massive Manuscript Tradition28 giugno 2018The workshop is organized in collaboration with Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. The IMT School will...
Making the Impossible Possible28 giugno 2018The workshop is organized in collaboration with Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. The IMT School will...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics and Management Science 27 giugno 2018Essays in Applied Economics, Migration, and Conflict Armando Di Lillo Essays on Empirical...
Aperitivi delle Idee - Game of Tourism21 giugno 2018Continua il ciclo di incontri organizzati da Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Fondazione Banca Del...
Learn from thy neighbor: Do voters associate corruption with political parties?20 giugno 2018This paper exploits a randomized audit program to document how information about a corrupt...
"The treachery of images": How the realness of objects and actions affects brain activation and behavior14 giugno 2018Psychologists and neuroimagers commonly study perceptual and cognitive processes using images...
Human Frictions to the Transmission of Economic Policy13 giugno 2018The consumption Euler equation is at the heart of modern dynamic macroeconomic models but a recent...
La misurazione delle performance in ambito sanitario12 giugno 2018Seminario aperto al pubblico in cui interverranno: Joseph Doyle, Professore di Management presso la...
Presentation of the Agreement of joint PhD supervision between the IMT School and the University of Alicante8 giugno 2018IMT School and University of Alicante faculty members will present the agreement of joint PhD...
Italian Renaissance, pop culture and the video game industry: the case of Assassin's Creed6 giugno 2018Professor Simonetta's works have in recent years left the boundaries of academia to find their way...
Synthesis, Verification and Optimization for Stochastic Hybrid Games 5 giugno 2018In this talk we will describe the recent advances and application of the branch UPPAAL Stratego...
Why do we like what we like? A quest for the neural underpinnings of embodied aesthetic experience.4 giugno 2018The creation of an artwork requires motor activity. To what extent is art appreciation divorced...
Numerical and experimental proof of the destabilization paradox by using a new flutter machine4 giugno 2018Flutter and divergence instabilities are theoretically and experimentally analyzed in elastic...
Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems25 maggio 2018Recent advances in sensing, communication and computing allow cost effective deployment in the...
What's quantum computing anyway?25 maggio 2018On the example of the function inversion problem, we illustrate the power and limitations of...
A calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts24 maggio 2018Besides simple transfers of currency, Bitcoin also enables various forms of smart contracts, i.e...
More Women in Tech? Evidence from a field experiment addressing social identity23 maggio 2018This paper investigates whether social identity considerations -through beliefs and norms- may be...
Aperitivi delle Idee - Turismo sugli schermi17 maggio 2018Continua il ciclo di incontri organizzati da Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Fondazione Banca Del...
Disorders of Consciousness: Neurotechnologies and Neuroethics14 maggio 2018In this talk I will explain the current state of neuroimaging experiments that enable researchers...
Staging Spectacles of Nation: Art and Identities of Patrimony in Early 20th-century Europe10 maggio 2018This talk will explore key narratives of cultural heritage in creating new national and...
Aggregate Fluctuations in Adaptive Production Networks9 maggio 2018We study production networks where firms' products can be described by a set of input and output...
Exploiting Intel SGX for trusted services: the case of private web search and middlebox functions8 maggio 2018The introduction of Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) into the mass market has sparkled a wave...
The Workshop Complexity72h 7 maggio 2018The Workshop Complexity72h is an interdisciplinary event whose aim is to bring together young...
Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI): A Model of Developmental Plasticity27 aprile 2018The education of individuals with cerebral/cortical visual impairment (CVI) appears to follow a...
Aperitivi delle Idee - Sbaglia presto, sbaglia spesso. Come errori e fallimenti sono necessari per apprendere e migliorare19 aprile 2018Continua il ciclo di incontri organizzati da Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Fondazione Banca Del...
Function-structure mapping and the challenge of individual variance13 aprile 2018Since its early days, neuroimaging studies have been interested in localizing the neural...
On the dual structure of lexical semantic competence13 aprile 2018Philosophical arguments and neuropsychological research on deficits of lexical processing converge...
Cautious Farsighted Stability in Network Formation Games with Streams of Payoffs11 aprile 2018We propose a new notion of farsighted pairwise stability for dynamic network formation which...
PhD Thesis Defense Political History 6 aprile 2018Towards a new “Social Pact”: World War II and Social Policy in Great Britain, Italy and Vichy...
Mapping the Meditative Mind: Neural Substrates for Modalities of Awareness29 marzo 2018The field of meditation research has grown tremendously in the past two decades and there has been...
Weight Gains from Trade in Foods: Evidence from Mexico28 marzo 2018This paper investigates the effects of international trade in food on obesity in Mexico. We...
Undecidability of Asynchronous Session Subtyping: the Hunt for Significant Decidable Variants 16 marzo 2018Session types are behavioural types for guaranteeing that concurrent programs are free from basic...
Expectancy, attention and consciousness15 marzo 2018The brain picks-up and exploits statistical regularities in the sensory environment. These...
PhD Thesis Defense - Management Science 15 marzo 2018INNOVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY OF ITALIAN FIRMS: EVIDENCE AND POLICY Francesco Biancalani
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage14 marzo 2018MANAGEMENT OF GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES IN ITALY Gemma Torre
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science 12 marzo 2018Measuring Web Search Personalization Van Tien Hoang
PhD Thesis Defense - Complex Networks 12 marzo 2018A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF NEWS CONSUMPTION ON FACEBOOK Ana Lucia Schmidt
Settimana Mondiale del Cervello 201812 marzo 2018Un vero e proprio viaggio nel cervello alla ricerca della mente: questo e' il filo conduttore del...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics9 marzo 2018Sub-national Service Provision and Public Spending Analysis Giovanna D'Inverno
PhD Thesis Defense - Political History 9 marzo 2018Chinese Strategic Culture: The Origin, Organization, Operationalization, and Evolution of People’s...
Workshop on "Recent Advances in Public Economics and Quantitative Methods"9 marzo 2018This joint workshop organized with KU Leuven's faculty of Economics and Business features three...
Brown Bag Seminar: "Framing Effects and the Elicitation of Preferences in Social Dilemmas: the Role of (Mis)Perceptions"8 marzo 2018We study the behavioral differences between two isomorphic social dilemmas. In the first dilemma...
Prediction error methods for system identification: theory and practice8 marzo 2018Prediction error methods (PEM) represent a unified tool for parametric identification of linear...
The Cost of Distorted Financial Advice: Evidence from the Mortgage Market7 marzo 2018Many households lack the sophistication required to make complex financial decisions and risk being...
To Be Rescheduled: Treatment Effects with Heterogeneous Externalities28 febbraio 2018This paper proposes a new method for estimating heterogeneous externalities in policy analysis when...
Novel computational models for failure analysis shells: smeared-based crack and delamination models23 febbraio 2018Fracture phenomena in shells are of critical importance in many engineering applications, since...
The dynamics of a shear band22 febbraio 2018A shear band of finite length, formed inside a ductile material at a certain stage of a continued...
Data-driven modelling in dynamic networks21 febbraio 2018In many areas of science and technology, increased complexity and interconnections of systems is a...
Cortical Plasticity Within and Across Lifetimes20 febbraio 2018The neocortex is the part of the brain that is involved in perception, cognition, and volitional...
Aperitivi delle Idee - 2018 anno del cibo: cosa ne facciamo?15 febbraio 2018Riprende il ciclo di incontri organizzati da Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Fondazione Banca Del...
Modelling and simulation of tribological processes15 febbraio 2018In this seminar, Prof. Andreas Almqvist will tell about the computational tribology biased research...
Debunking Rumors in Social Networks14 febbraio 2018In a joint paper with Nicole Tabasso (University of Surrey) we study the diffusion of a true...
Joint PhD in Data Science Welcome Day7 febbraio 2018The IMT School has organized a Welcome Day for the first students of the new Joint PhD Program in...
P2P Lending: Information Externalities, Social Networks and Loans' Substitution31 gennaio 2018Despite the lack of delegated monitor and of collateral guarantees P2P lending platforms exhibit...
Brown Bag Seminar: "Blockchain and its economic implications"30 gennaio 2018This presentation will provide a framework for understanding the economic implications of...
Scalable van der Waals heterostacks for optoelectronics23 gennaio 2018In this talk recent advances on the synthesis and applications of large-scale highly-crystalline 2D...
Appropriability of Intellectual Assets and the Organization of Global Supply Chains17 gennaio 2018This paper introduces the concept of intangible assets in sequential supply chains and the...
Interactions between neurons in the visual and frontal cortex during perception and awareness 12 gennaio 2018Most theories hold that early visual cortex is responsible for the local analysis of simple...