Connections and Applicants' Self-Selection: Evidence from a Natural Randomized Experiment20 dicembre 2017Prospective candidates with connections in committees may have access to more accurate information...
Big Data e Industria 4.013 dicembre 2017Un'opportunita' di sviluppo per la piccola e media impresa. Scopo dell'incontro e' di discutere il...
Application to a large-scale drinking water network of robust MPC for tracking periodic references12 dicembre 2017In this seminar a novel robust model predictive control for tracking periodic signals formulation...
Double Disclosures and the Negotiation of Scientific Credit in Research Teams6 dicembre 2017We jointly examine the issues of research team formation and of the allocation of scientific credit...
Sleep and wake at cortical synapses5 dicembre 2017We spent more than one third of our life sleeping and, yet, the role of sleep remains one of the...
Getting Beyond Proof of Principle for Big Data Technologies in Bioinformatics: MapReduce Algorithmic, Programming and Architectural issues30 novembre 2017High Performance Computing (HPC) in Bioinformatics has a classic architectural paradigm: shared-...
Congestion Externality and Autonomous Vehicles29 novembre 2017We analyze the market desing for autonomous cars (ACs). ACs are self-driving vehicles, driven by a...
The restoration of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua: A reference model of intervention, organization and management24 novembre 2017Speakers: Valentina Piovan, Stefania Randazzo
Maximum-likelihood for regression and classification: an overview23 novembre 2017The objective of this seminar is to provide an overview on commonly used maximum-likelihood...
From early activity to early interactivity: towards a new culture of very early intervention in infants at high neurodevelopmental risk23 novembre 2017Extensive studies in humans and non-human models suggest how early intersubjectivity is the...
Pitfalls and best practices in parametric identification21 novembre 2017Mathematical models commonly used in science and engineering are usually provided in terms of...
Articulating in Words and Images - Talk 221 novembre 2017Words and Images are the two fundamental means of symbolic articulation. If (or to what extent)...
Articulating in Words and Images - Talk 120 novembre 2017Words and Images are the two fundamental means of symbolic articulation. If (or to what extent)...
Secular Satiation15 novembre 2017Satiation of need is generally ignored by growth theory. I study a model where consumers may be...
Convegno nazionale Societa' Filosofica Italiana 2017: Natura, Cultura e Realta' virtuali9 novembre 2017La Societa' Filosofica Italiana unisce a livello nazionale e locale professionisti della ricerca,...
Homophily and Influence 8 novembre 2017We study how learning and influence co-evolve in a social network, eventually determining both the...
An inspection-based compositional approach to the quantitative evaluation of assembly lines31 ottobre 2017The work investigates model-based approach to performance evaluation of a collection of similar...
New contact algorithms for nonlinear beam finite elements and their application to stent graft modeling24 ottobre 2017There has been great progress over the last few years regarding the finite element modeling of...
International Conference "Computing Power for Global Systems"24 ottobre 2017Following up on the International Conference on Synthetic Populations (February 22-23, 2017) the...
Multisensory integration development for rehabilitation23 ottobre 2017In 2014 the number of blind children below the age of 15 years was estimated to be 19 million...
Contact and interface modeling in nonlinear solid mechanics using mortar finite element methods17 ottobre 2017The main objective of this seminar is to convey modern techniques and the latest state-of-the-art...
Presi nella rete: bullismo, imbrogli, ricatti al tempo di internet12 ottobre 2017Oggetti preziosi acquistati su internet e mai ricevuti, conti bancari prosciugati in pochi minuti,...
La sfida dei cyberdefender tra gioco e mondo reale10 ottobre 2017Intervengono Rocco De Nicola, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca Camil Demetrescu, Sapienza Universita' di...
CRITIS - The International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security - 20178 ottobre 2017In 2017, the International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security reaches its...
The Lab and the Plant. Offshore R&D and Co-location with Production Activities 5 ottobre 2017Two main forces drive the offshoring of R&D activities. On the one hand, the location decisions...
BRIGHT 2017 - La Notte dei Ricercatori in Toscana29 settembre 2017Si rinnova l'appuntamento con "Bright", la Notte dei Ricercatori in Toscana, un'iniziativa promossa...
Social Preferences over Utilities27 settembre 2017We propose a model of social preferences defined over the utilities of individuals. This requires...
Art, Science, Heritage. Recompositions in the French museum landscape26 settembre 2017The presentation will present some changes in the French museum landscape since 2000, especially...
Presentazione del libro "LA CORRUZIONE SPUZZA" di Raffaele Cantone e Francesco Caringella22 settembre 2017APERTURA DEI LAVORI: FLORENZO STORELLI, Avvocato penalista INTRODUZIONE: PIETRO SUCHAN, Procuratore...
Ocean Grazer: A Novel Ocean Energy Extraction and Storage Device18 settembre 2017This talk will present a novel concept for extracting and storing ocean energy, termed the Ocean...
Does a tax credit matter for job creation by Multinational Enterprises?18 settembre 2017In this paper, we study the impact of a tax credit, the 'Notional Interest Deduction' (NID), on the...
International Workshop "Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in 20th Century"18 settembre 2017The first International Workshop of the HERA project "Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe...
JoTTo Fair, incontro fra ricerca e imprese per favorire il trasferimento di tecnologia e innovazione15 settembre 2017JoTTo Fair, alla prima edizione, e' l'evento di incontro tra la ricerca della Scuola Superiore Sant...
Classical Molecular Dynamics as a Tool for Tribology and Beyond13 settembre 2017This talk will give an overview of recent results in fundamental tribological investigations using...
Parking with a Worm's Brain2 Agosto 2017The recent success of deep neural networks (DNN) in unsupervised and supervised learning, in...
Software Protection: fighting reverse engineering in the ASPIRE project27 luglio 2017Software Protection techniques aim to defend the confidentiality and integrity of software...
On Statistical Model Checking27 luglio 2017Model checking offers the possibility to automatically verify the correctness of complex systems or...
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Cyber-Social Systems25 luglio 2017Computer systems have evolved from standalone systems, over networked systems, to cyber-physical...
Finite Fracture Mechanics: linking strength of materials and fracture mechanics to study crack initiation24 luglio 2017A thorough understanding of crack initiation and the availability of abstract analysis methods of...
FAMILIARITY MATTERS! NEURAL MECHANISMS FOR RECOGNITION OF PERSONALLY FAMILIAR FACES IN HUMANS24 luglio 2017The idea that we are expert face recognizers may be valid only for familiar face perception...
Selective Attention and Educational Neuroscience: how teachers can change brain circuitry19 luglio 2017I will be reviewing research from my group that links educational topics such as learning to read...
Il Gatto Grasso: using AFNI-FATCAT for DTI (and other) analyses18 luglio 2017I will describe tools in AFNI-FATCAT (Functional And Tractographic Connectivity Analysis Toolbox)...
Applications of Hierarchical Modeling in Neuroimaging17 luglio 2017The traditional group analysis approaches typically include simple methods such as Student's t-...
Brown Bag Seminar: "Global ownership and corporate control networks"17 luglio 2017In this contribution, we introduce global ownership of firms adopting a basic network perspective...
ETAC: Equitable Thresholding and Clustering in AFNI17 luglio 2017A little over 1 year ago, a short article in PNAS (
Graph bases and diagram commutativity5 luglio 2017A diagram is a digraph where vertices and arcs are objects and morphisms in a category. When all...
Global Supply Chains and Trade Policy29 giugno 2017How do global supply chain linkages modify countries' incentives to impose import protection? Are...
Reduction Semantics in Markovian Process Algebra With and Without Durational Actions27 giugno 2017Stochastic (Markovian) process algebras in the literature have been defined in very simple settings...
Democratization and Human Development26 giugno 2017Comparativists have long debated whether democracy advances human development. Recent studies...
Object-Oriented Convex Optimization with CVXPY22 giugno 2017CVXPY is a widely used modeling framework in Python for convex optimization. CVXPY has become the...
Model-free design of linear parameter-varying controllers: a direct data-driven approach22 giugno 2017In many nonlinear control problems, the plant can be accurately described by Linear Parameter-...
Aperitivo delle idee21 giugno 2017Una nuova iniziativa nata dalla collaborazione tra la Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e il Comune di...
Evidenced Based is Evidenced Biased: The Problematic Privileging of Cognitive Behaviorism in Psychotherapy Research and Practice. 21 giugno 2017Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has established itself as the privileged psychotherapy treatment...
Principles of Probabilistic Programming14 giugno 2017Probabilistic programming is en vogue. It is used to describe complex Bayesian networks, quantum...
Social Fingerprinting - or the Truth About You13 giugno 2017Inspired by its biological counterpart, we'll introduce the concept of digital DNA, as a mechanism...
Social Fingerprinting - or the Truth About You13 giugno 2017Inspired by its biological counterpart, we'll introduce the concept of digital DNA, as a mechanism...
7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems12 giugno 2017The design of next generation of smart electricity grids, intelligent transportation, and of many...
Aperitivo delle idee7 giugno 2017Una nuova iniziativa nata dalla collaborazione tra la Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e il Comune di...
The MiBACT (Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage) for photography: new strategies and new visions for Italy with Federica Chiocchetti, University of Westminster, as the respondant5 giugno 2017The turn of this century witnessed an explosion of photographic practices. Having long been used as...
A common model of representational and connectivity spaces in human cortex5 giugno 2017The functional architecture of human cortex hosts high-dimensional information spaces for...
The long-term electoral legacies of civil war in young democracies. Evidence from Italy30 maggio 2017Recent experience of civil war has political consequences on newly created democracies and their...
Dynamic organization of neural networks during cognition30 maggio 2017Spontaneous brain activity measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is organized...
IMT School PhD Graduation Ceremony 201729 maggio 2017Cappella Guinigi - Complesso di San Francesco ore 15.30 PROGRAM GRADUATION ADDRESS Pietro Pietrini...
The CyberSecurity Challenge: Protecting from the Unknown26 maggio 2017Cyber Security is attracting ever greater attention, also because of the new scenarios offered by...
Android Permissions Unleashed25 maggio 2017The Android Security Framework controls the executions of applications through permissions which...
Aperitivo delle idee18 maggio 2017Una nuova iniziativa varata da Comune di Capannori, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e Fondazione Banca...
Oligopolistic Equilibrium and Financial Constraints 18 maggio 2017We model a dynamic duopoly in which firms can potentially drive their rivals from the market (...
DIRITTO DI AUTORE: NORMATIVA DI RIFERIMENTO E CASI PRATICI16 maggio 2017Il seminario, rivolto a professori, ricercatori, allievi, personale amministrativo ed imprese,...
Presentazione del libro "Questa non e' l'America" di Alan Friedman15 maggio 2017Indagine di Friedman sul suo paese ai giorni d'oggi, con rivelazioni sul suo paese, rivelazioni...
A new Etruscan Museum in Milan: Collection and Museum Project15 maggio 2017Collecting works of art is a form of conservation and transmission of cultural heritage. Etruscans...
Implantable neuroprostheses to improve quality of life of disabled people9 maggio 2017Neuroengineering is a novel discipline combining engineering including micro and nanotechnology,...
Aperitivo delle idee4 maggio 2017Una nuova iniziativa varata da Comune di Capannori, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e Fondazione Banca...
Folding and faulting of continua: statics and dynamics4 maggio 2017Folding is a process in which bending is localized at sharp edges separated by almost undeformed...
Population Neuroscience of the Adolescent Brain14 aprile 2017Population neuroscience endeavors to identify environmental and genetic factors that shape the...
The contact mechanics of elastic and viscoelastic thin layers6 aprile 2017In contact mechanics it is usual to assume the contacting bodies as semi-infinite solids. Although...
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2016-20174 aprile 2017Chiesa di San Francesco - Piazza San Francesco, Lucca ore 17.30 PROGRAMMA DEI LAVORI Indirizzi di...
Evolutionary paths towards the division of labor31 marzo 2017As the famous evolutionary biologist O. E. Wilson has pointed out in his book "The Social Conquest...
Informatics Infrastructure for Neuroimaging: Toward a Brain Atlas for the Vision Impaired24 marzo 2017In many current neuroimaging investigations, more data is collected per day than was collected per...
Programming Distributed Adaptive Applications: A Choreographic Approach23 marzo 2017We present AIOCJ, a choreographic language for programming microservice-based applications which...
Re-thinking the aid-growth relationship : A network approach22 marzo 2017We characterize the topological properties and evolution of the OECD foreign aid network and...
Reading the Deceptive Brain and Mind16 marzo 2017Is it possible to establish with confidence, nowadays, when a person is lying? Might we have, in...
Executive Compensation and Firm Innovation: the Role of Pay Components and Pay Dispersion13 marzo 2017Compensation packages are widely used to motivate top executives to generate and sustain a constant...
Economics PhD Workshop in collaboration with KU Leuven13 marzo 2017Please open the "poster" file below for the schedule of the presentations.
Settimana Mondiale del Cervello13 marzo 2017Un vero e proprio "viaggio nel cervello alla ricerca della mente", questo e' il filo conduttore del...
Temporal Coordination in Concurrent Systems: Synchronization Constraints, Session Types, Synchronizers and Protocols Description8 marzo 2017In sequential systems, programmers are responsible for totally ordering events occurring in a...
Abstractions, Models and Tools for Scalable Systems: Progress and Open Problems7 marzo 2017The growth of mobile and cloud computing, cyberphysical systems and the internet of things has...
Replicator dynamics in value chains: explaining some puzzles of market selection6 marzo 2017The pure model of replicator dynamics though providing important insights in the evolution of...
Presentazione del libro "Arte e sfera pubblica" di Michele Dantini3 marzo 2017Intervengono Massimiliano Rossi (Professore di Museologia, storia della critica d'arte e del...
Public procurement as policy instrument for innovation28 febbraio 2017During the last decade, policy makers discussed the potential of public procurement as instrument...
Maximum entropy for economic and brain networks: network reconstruction, early-warning signals, and module detection28 febbraio 2017In many cases of practical relevance, one needs to construct ensembles of random networks, or...
International Conference on Synthetic Populations - 201722 febbraio 2017Global System Studies are providing non trivial tools to interpret the reality surrounding us. In...
Experimental evaluation of techniques and tools for safe storage in public and private clouds21 febbraio 2017Cloud-based storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive are increasingly popular...
A new perspective on the protection of cultural property through criminal law3 febbraio 2017International seminar organised by the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in co-operation with...
Curating at the Bavarian National Museum - organization and work procedures in a large German Museum1 febbraio 2017The talk will discuss the different types of museums in Germany: state museums, museums...
Multilayer Network Maps of Functional Human Brain31 gennaio 2017Understanding how the human brain is structured, and how its architecture is related to the...
Business Groups as Knowledge-based Hierarchies25 gennaio 2017We exploit a unique dataset of 270,474 headquarters controlling more than 1,500,000 (domestic and...
Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia 24 gennaio 2017Does bridging or bonding social capital matter for redistribution preferences? Existing literature...
Oil discoveries and democracy18 gennaio 2017We evaluate the effect of natural resources on political regimes. We use the synthetic control...
Losing my connection:the dark side of bank-firm interlocking directorates13 gennaio 2017The paper examines the causal impact of bank-firm interlocking directorates on a firm's access to...
High-Speed Integer Optimal Control using Approximate Dynamic Programming12 gennaio 2017We introduce a novel method to deal with hybrid MPC problems with fast linear dynamics and integer...