Networking meeting PhD in Management of Digital Transformation14 maggio 2024The PhD program in Management of Digital Transformation organizes its annual networking meeting...
Securing Distributed Learning via Randomized Hash-Combs13 maggio 2024The massive deployment of Machine Learning (ML) models raises serious concerns about data...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences10 maggio 2024Yara Richard El Rassi - “The Representation of Visual Naturalistic Stimuli in Resting State...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics10 maggio 2024Alberto Hidalgo Escudero - "The impact of tourism on urban areas"
Supply Chain Disruptions, the Structure of Production Networks, and the Impact of Globalization8 maggio 2024We introduce a parsimonious multi-sector model of international production and use it to study how...
Quo Vadis? I dilemmi del nostro tempo7 maggio 2024Il 7 maggio, alle 17:45, la Cappella Guinigi ospiterà l'evento " Quo Vadis? I dilemmi contemporanei...
A Critical Analysis of Essential (Dhātī) - Descriptional (Waṣfī) Distinction in Avicennian Logic6 maggio 2024The aim of this talk is to critically analyze the “essential/substantial ( dhātī )-descriptional/...
Statistical field theory of random graph Laplacians6 maggio 2024While rarely mentioned in elementary introductions to random matrix theory, statistical field...
Conferenza conclusiva Progetto Borghi, paesi, aree interne: infrastrutture, sostenibilità e qualità della vita2 maggio 2024Il 2 maggio alle ore 10.00 presso la Fortezza di Mont’Alfonso, Sala Porta Nord a Castelnuovo di...
Confidence intervals for machine learning methods29 aprile 2024Recently a lot of attention has been given to making sure that predictions given by powerful...