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Non-contrast MRI: applications in cardiac and peripheral muscle

16 ottobre 2013
Ex Boccherini - Piazza S. Ponziano 6 (Conference Room )
Many diseases may cause renal insufficiency, including diabetes and hypertension. Patients with renal insufficiency cannot undergo conventional contrast enhanced diagnostic tests, such as CT angiography and first-pass MRI perfusion imaging due to the risk of nephrotoxicity or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. An alternative imaging method is to apply non-contrast MRI techniques. In this presentation, each of non-contrast MRI methods for imaging myocardial perfusion, myocardial viability, and even skeletal muscle perfusion will be critically reviewed. Studies from us and others will be included to show the promise of these methods for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases without sticking any needle.
Zheng, Jie