How and Why There Is so Much Gender in AI11 novembre 2024This talk theorizes the wide array of ways that gender and sex interact with machine learning (ML)...
Lucca Comics&Games 202430 ottobre 2024La Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca parteciperà come Scientific Partner ufficiale di Lucca Comics and...
A hybrid systems framework for data-based adaptive control of linear time-varying systems30 ottobre 2024In this talk, we consider the data-driven stabilization of discrete-time linear time-varying...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences25 ottobre 2024Elisa Morgana Cappello - “On the conceptualisation and forecasting of emotion dynamics in healthy...
Identifying Sign- and Goal-Tracking Phenotypes in Human Reward Processing: Neural Correlates of Incentive Salience25 ottobre 2024Reward processing in humans has been extensively studied by examining brain activity during reward...
Analysis of Post-quantum cryptographic protocols25 ottobre 2024The National Institute of Standards and Technologies launched the Post-Quantum Cryptography project...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering24 ottobre 2024Francis John - “Computational Mechanics Framework for Simulations and Prediction of Wear in...
Modelling fatigue strength of metal parts, obtained with both traditional and additively manufacturing, taking into consideration the plasticity, and the effects of the pores and the roughness combined with the notch effect.24 ottobre 2024In this presentation a brief recall is provided on the recent progresses in modelling the fatigue...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage23 ottobre 2024Di Lin - “ The Transmission, Transformation and Cultural Adaptation of the Heracles Imagery from...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage22 ottobre 2024Derya Acuner - “ Textile Practices As Memory Making: Weaving Bonds Between The Past, Present and...