23 aprile 2012
Ex Boccherini - Piazza S. Ponziano 6 (Conference Room )
The history of European city development provides an important opportunity to examine
the e¤ect of political oligarchy on economic growth. Since at least the time of Max We-
ber, scholars have claimed that the presence of politically autonomous cities in medieval
Europe, which tended to be controlled by merchant oligarchies, helped lead to its eco-
nomic rise when compared with other regions. But there also exists an alternative, and
equally long standing claim - autonomous cities were a hindrance to growth because the
merchant oligarchies that governed them created barriers to entry that stifled innovation
and trade. I present new evidence and a new interpretation that reconciles these two
contrasting views. Using evidence from growth in city populations, I show that politi-
cally autonomous cities tended to initially have higher growth rates than non-autonomous
cities, but over time this situation reversed itself as politically autonomous cities became
stagnant. However, even with stagnant economies, autonomous cities were able to main-
tain their independence because their institutions and the oligarchies that controlled them
provided for abundant access to credit in times of war. My evidence regarding the growth
path of autonomous cities is consistent with several recent theoretical models of oligarchy
and growth, and most directly Acemoglu (2008). It also suggests more generally that
Europe's particular political institutions, which are so often said to have secured property
rights and favored growth, sometimes had more ambiguous e¤ects.
Stasavage, David - New York University - New York